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Dogecoin Brief



Dogecoin Introduction

Dogecoin is an open source peer-to-peer digital currency, favored by Shiba Inus worldwide.

Dogecoin Founder

Jackson Palmer

Dogecoin Initial Release

2013/12/6 0:00:00

About Dogecoin

The developers of Dogecoin haven’t made any major changes to the coin since 2015. This means that Dogecoin could get left behind and is why Shibes are leaving Dogecoin to join more advanced platforms like Ethereum.

So, what is Dogecoin doing? Why hasn’t there been any updates? Well, unfortunately, Dogecoin only has three developers, and they’re part-time volunteers! One of Dogecoin's strengths is its relaxed and fun-loving community. However, this is also a weakness, because other currencies are way more professional.

Even Jackson Palmer has said that cryptocurrency is a bubble. He has also said that any tech that hasn’t been updated in three years isn’t worth hundreds of millions of dollars.